VPN Access
VPN can be used when someone needs to access internal technology resources when they are outside the district. Follow the directions below to install and use VPN on your device. VPN Requests Note, VPN is only available by request. Staff do not have VPN access by default. To request VPN access, have your supervisor email helpdesk@shakopee.k12.mn.us e...
Changing Your Password
Password Process Change As of July 13, 2022 moved from SSO to Microsoft for password changes. Password Security Do not use use the same password on many different websites. Your school district password should not be the same password you use anywhere else. Do not share your password with anyone, including IT staff. Other common causes of password t...
Account Use Reference
Cheat sheet page for various software and applications used in the district, and which login credentials are expected for each site or application. Terms District username is generally your first initial followed by last name. Middle initial may be used as a tiebreaker if that username already exists. User created means whatever password you crea...
Infinite Campus Security Measures
Overview Infinite Campus (IC) offers several security features to help districts secure data. Fall '21 implemented login notice (email) Spring '22 implemented Prohibit Passwords That Have Been Previously Disclosed in a Data Breach Delete Login notice (email) I mplemented following security measure in fall '21 for Shakopee Schools IC Portal is a logi...
Overview What is phishing? Phishing is the process of attempting to acquire sensitive information such as usernames, passwords and credit card details by masquerading as a trustworthy entity using bulk email which tries to evade spam filters.Emails claiming to be from popular social web sites, banks, auction sites, or IT administrators are commonly ...
Cybersecurity Awareness
General In our uber-connected world, it seems like cybercriminals and malicious links creep around every corner. News stories of ransomware attacks and data breaches costing millions of dollars fly past our feeds almost constantly. We get it; it can be overwhelming. With so much information bombarding us, it can be hard to focus on the right actions...
Email Security Features
General To enhance security and help prevent being compromised by phishing via email following are features enabled in respective services: Office 365 (shakopee.k12.mn.us) Google (shakopeeschools.org) Office 365 (K12) Quarantine Messages suspected or seen from blocked senders are sent here Check out Release Quarantined Messages Unauthenticated sen...
District Internet
Overview Shakopee Schools currently has a 10GB connection to the Internet. This is broken down into two main connection types: hardline and WiFi. Hardline: Only district approved systems (printers, phones, approved Point of Sale (POS) systems, HVAC, cameras, desktop systems/etc). WiFi: Two wireless frequencies used: 2.4GHs and 5GHZ 5GHz is currently...
File Storage
Overview The District currently has many solutions deployed for file storage ranging from on-site network drives to cloud hosted (Google "my" and "share" drives). Each has Pros/Cons. We will focus here on storage that physically exists somewhere other than the actual device. Local Files = Potential Data Loss Nothing important should be saved local...
Canvas - Managing Approved Integrations
Most integrations rely on a token these typically have no expiration and rely on user to remove when needed such as: Getting a new device (iPad) Password change to prevent old sessions staying active Process In your browser, login to Canvas using the Canvas website: https://shakopee.instructure.com/. Click the Account icon. In the Canvas Account tab...
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
Overview Account Security measures are becoming more and more important in every facet of ones digital presence. Educational institutes are being targeted more and more mostly because of the following: Large amounts of data (student\parent\staff) Many possible ways to access part of all data Limited resources\training to prevent attacks\compromise...