
Plagiarism/AI Detection

Written by Eric Hills

Last published at: May 30th, 2024

What is Turnitin?

Turnitin is a plagiariasm, peer review, and feedback tool. Turnitin automatically verifies how similar written submissions are to other sources on the Internet as well as submissions from other Shakopee students. It checks that proper citations were used. It gives a percentage probability that work was written by artificial intelligence. It also can be used by students to do a peer review assignment or identify grammar mistakes. 

Why use Turnitin?

Turnitin helps teachers ensure the academic integrity of written work submitted by their students. Students can use it to proactively review their work prior to submission to improve its quality and ensure they are properly citing sources. 

How do I use Turnitin?

Turnitin has a number of different tools that teachers and students can use. The Turnitin Plagiarism Directions in Canvas include the mostly commonly used function of Turnitin. Peer Mark allows you to create peer review assignments. Draft Coach allows students to check their work for similarity, citations, and grammar prior to submitting.

The Turnitin-CPF and Turnitin LTI have different features and it would be good to know which one is going to meet your needs. Most teachers will find the Turnitin-CPF to be easier to use and meet their needs.  

Turnitin-CPF Turnitin LTI
Easy to set up or add to any File Upload Assignment. Need to navigate to Assignments, create the turnitin Assignment, then add to a Module.
Student submissions appear in the SpeedGrader.  Students submissions appear in Turnitin's Feedback Studio.
Your rubrics in Canvas can be used to grade student work.  Must create/use rubrics in Feedback Studio. They have some pre-created rubrics you can use.
Template documents impact similarity ratings for students across your class. Import a template document to exclude it from similarity checking. 
Peer Review feature can be used in Canvas. PeerMark, a Peer Review feature, allows you to create student-facing rubrics and question for peer review.
After due date, File Upload assignments are automatically marked missing. LTI Assignments are External Tools submissions so they will not be automatically marked missing after the due date.


Turnitin Plagiarism Directions in Canvas (Turnitin-CPF)

This video will show staff how to turn on plagiarism detection to a File Upload submission. This is the simpler tool called Turnitin-CPF (Canvas Plagiarism Framework). 



Turnitin LTI (Feedback Studio, PeerMark, Templates)

The Turnitin LTI has a few additional features that some teachers may find useful. Note that all feedback (including use of rubrics and grades) must be completed in the Turnitin Feedback Studio and only the score a student receives will appear in the Canvas gradebook.


Turnitin Draft Coach (for use in Google Docs by students)

Draft Coach is a tool that students can use with any Google Doc. It allows them to check for similarity with other works, review citations, and get grammatical feedback. Click here to learn how to utlize the results of each tool. Watch the video below to learn how to use it and what it looks like.




Additional Resources: