What is QuickTime Player?
QuickTime Player is the default media player for video files on MacBooks. More importantly, QuickTime can be used to record audio, video, and screen recordings. It can be used by staff of all grade levels as long as your have a MacBook. High School students can also use it on their MacBooks.
Why use QuickTime?
QuickTime is a great tool because of the media recording features that it can do. Audio, video, and screen recordings can be used by staff to create videos ranging from creative video projects to recording lessons to support student learning and review at home, or for students working in small groups or independently in the blended classroom.
How do I use it?
QuickTime is installed on your MacBook by default. You can find it by pressing F4 on your keyboard or use Spotlight Search (command+space bar) to search for and open the QuickTime application.
Written Directions
Using QuickTime to record media
1. Open QuickTime Media Player. You can find it by pressing F4 on your keyboard or use Spotlight Search (command+space bar) to search and open the application.

6.Once recording has stopped, you can watch it play back. If the recording is good, click on File and Save. Choose a save location for your media.
7. You can make minor edits right in QuickTime by splitting video and deleting segments. Read directions here.
8. Small files can be loaded into Canvas or Seesaw directly. Large video files should either be uploaded to Canvas Studio, Google Drive, or YouTube (teachers only). If you want to edit your media, use iMovie.