What is Minecraft Education?
Minecraft Education Edition is an open-world game that promotes creativity, collaboration, and problem-solving in an immersive environment where the only limit is your imagination. Students can use blocks, signs, and their creativity to demonstrate their knowledge in a 3D environment.
Why use Minecraft Education?
Minecraft Education Edition can be used to collaboratively create 3D demonstrations of knowledge, visualize a text, solve problems, and explore environments. It allows students to practice every C of the 6Cs in an engaging way. When students have created their world, they can screen record and submit that to their teacher.
How do I use Minecraft Education?
Written Directions
1. Download Minecraft: Education Edition from Self Service on Mac or iPad.

3. Sign in with your Office 365 account.
Students: studentID@shakopeeschools.org and typical password.
Staff: username@shakopee.k12.mn.usand typical password.
Video Directions
This video will briefly show you how to open and use Minecraft: Education Edition.
On an iPad, you may want to backup and save your worlds that you create in the event that your iPad is broken. Watch this video to learn how.
Additional Resources: